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PutterRx In Action

Wendell Davis at the Retired NFL Players golf outing.

CBS Anchor Rob Johnson is excited to try The PutterRx and loves the mad skills he just gained. 

CBS Anchor Rob Johnson is excited to try The PutterRx and loves the mad skills he just gained. 


Danny Crawford is amazed at how easy The PutterRx is. 

Danny Crawford shares the attributes of The PutterRx. 

Mike Burton won't leave home without his PutterRx. 

Former NFL Player Brent Novoselsky is a happy customer with his PutterRx. 

Walter demonstrating The PutterRx at the office. 

Using The PutterRx for the 1st time at the Chicago Area Retired NFL players golf outing

Austin shows how The PutterRx changes your putting forever. 

Johnny Johnson Jr. former NFL player wants to do anything to improve his putting and he did! 

Legendary ESPN's Mike and Mike 

Retired Chicago Cubs player, Tad Slowik quickly fell in love with The PutterRx. 

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